Monday, April 22, 2013

Earth Day Forgiveness

Happy Earth Day to my fellow earthlings.  It's as good a day as any to get out and ride our bikes.
I'm happy to say that I went for a nice ride yesterday with an old friend I've known for more than thirty years.  He really enjoyed riding a recent mountain bike build I've been working on, and I enjoyed putting some new rubber on my old steed.   It was a bit of a "shake down" ride and I had two flats along the way, one tube was a manufacturer default and the other was just an old tube.  My pump wasn't cooperating so I was able to air up the rear wheel just enough to get home so I could replace with a new tube.

We have been enjoying some wonderful weather here and very grateful for that as the humidity is very mild and the air temps are very agreeable for riding. As I honor Earth Day I recognize our planet's abundance of natural beauty and wonders I am able to appreciate my part in this ever changing world we live in. I am very grateful for what is so freely offered to us by not abusing our world or taking it too much for granted.  Part of this has to do with forgiveness and I am thanking someone who I've known a couple years for reminding me of this.

I am tired of being so hard on my self.  Some strict ideas and discipline are essential particularly for setting boundaries but getting down on myself or berating my own skills or talents with destructive criticism does not agree with my new efforts to be gentler and healthier..   I am learning to forgive myself by recognizing a personal intimacy I had all but forgotten about.  How I enjoy and value quiet alone time and how I relate inwardly to what is occurring outwardly permits me to set boundaries with myself and others mostly to avoid harmful errors and lessen the frequency of having to exercise forgiveness.  My process of setting boundaries is for this reason and is based on reason.  I appreciate this world for helping me take better care of myself particularly with healthy nourishing foods.  As earthlings our multifaceted existence can often feel overly complicated and perhaps delicate.  I'm not telling anyone what they should be doing, I'm busy learning how I am doing and what I have the power to change.  At times it is quite clear how easy it is to simply be on this earth in a harmoniously gratifying way.  It can be fun to celebrate Nature's teachings and honor Mother Earth's generosity by sharing a kind and gentle method of understanding.  Food for thought while riding today.

Bike Peasant

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