Saturday, April 13, 2013

Bike peace ant : )

To me most bikes have a peaceful vibe about them.  There is something serene, elegant, nostalgic and simply fun about seeing a bike, a person riding a bike, etc. Particularly with cool old vintage stuff where an air of romance and or mystique of the untold stories of its travels and riders.  Of course bikes of themselves are not living things but us living beings do connect with our bikes, some more than others when they begin to identify with their bikes.  A bit obsessive for sure and the bike world can be that way, obsessive.

That's not peace to me.  I feel peace at different times for different reasons and don't necessarily feel the need to explain that, even to myself.   Fixing a bike, shaping a bike to fit, defining the ride by changing this or that position bring me peaceful moments of accomplishment with out becoming a control freak..  Obsessing over things is not advisable emotionally even if it is with the intention of chasing happy.  Detachment? Aint it cool?  Cold hard cynicism and pessimism do not enter in, this isn't the time for that, what makes me peaceful?  Lots of things and sometimes it's nothing at all when it fills me from within.  Balance, not obsession and bikes by there very nature are balanced,  permeated with peace acquired while riding.  This helps me bring change to my story and at times there's no story at all. 

Bike on, peace within. 

Bike Peaceant,  I don't identify with any particular "calling", just don't call me a piss ant.

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